Engineered for Safety
Prioritizing the well-being of both drivers and passengers, TARA Electric Vehicles are engineered with a paramount focus on safety. Every vehicle is constructed with your safety as the foremost consideration. Should you have any inquiries regarding the content on this page, please reach out to an authorized TARA Electric Vehicles Dealer.

For the safe operation of TARA vehicles, adherence to the following guidelines is essential:

Operation: Vehicles must be operated from the driver's seat exclusively.

Safety Precautions: Always ensure that feet and hands remain inside the vehicle at all times.

Clearance: Prior to engaging the vehicle, verify that the surrounding area is free of both people and obstacles. It is critical that no individuals are in proximity to an activated vehicle.

Driving Conduct: Vehicles must be driven cautiously and within safe speed limits.

Visibility Measures: Use the horn, located on the turn signal stalk, to alert others when approaching blind corners.

Mobile Device Usage: The use of cell phones while driving is strictly prohibited. Should you need to respond to a call, halt the vehicle in a secure area first.

Passenger Safety: Passengers must remain seated with no one standing or leaning out of the vehicle at any time. Only occupy the vehicle if seating is available.

Vehicle Security: Upon exiting, always turn off the ignition and engage the parking brake.

Spacing: Maintain a prudent distance from other vehicles, both when in motion and parked, to ensure safety.

Stay Informed
Ensure you read and fully comprehend all labels affixed to the vehicle. It is crucial to promptly replace any labels that are damaged or missing to maintain safety and compliance.
Exercise Caution
When navigating steep inclines, remain vigilant as increased vehicle speeds may lead to instability. Approach such terrain with the utmost care to ensure your safety and that of others.
Practice Wisdom
Always occupy the driver's seat before activating the vehicle, regardless of whether you plan to drive immediately. This precaution is essential for both safety and operational integrity.
Managing Speeds Safely on Inclines
Navigating steep hills can cause the vehicle to accelerate beyond typical speeds experienced on flat surfaces. To mitigate the risk of losing control and prevent potential injuries, it's imperative to regulate your speed by applying the brakes judiciously. Operating the vehicle beyond its maximum specified speed can lead to damage to the drivetrain components. Such damage, resulting from exceeding the recommended speed limits, increases the risk of losing control of the vehicle. This type of misuse is considered abusive and consequently, any resulting damage will not be covered under the warranty.
When modifying or servicing any TARA electric vehicle, please adhere to the following safety guidelines:

Towing Caution: Exercise care when towing the vehicle. Exceeding the recommended towing speed can result in personal injury, vehicle damage, or damage to other property.

Authorized Dealer Service: Only a TARA Authorized dealer with proper training should service the vehicle. These professionals possess the mechanical skills and experience required to identify potential hazards. Incorrect servicing or repairs can damage the vehicle or render it unsafe for operation.

Modification Restrictions: Do not modify the vehicle in a manner that affects the weight distribution, compromises stability, increases speed, or extends the stopping distance beyond the manufacturer's specifications. Modifications of this nature could lead to severe injury or fatalities.

Stability and Speed Control: Alterations that impact the vehicle's weight distribution, reduce its stability, increase its speed, or lengthen the braking distance more than what is specified by the manufacturer are strictly prohibited. TARA Electric Vehicles disclaims responsibility for any modifications that render the vehicle unsafe.

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